
English-Hindi Conference Interpreter

Amina Saif – Qualified and experienced English-Hindi conference interpreter.

🌍 Based in London, United Kingdom, available anywhere, remotely or in person.

🔵 AIIC Member (English-Urdu)

A natural communicator with a very strong professional background, I take pride in my ability to deliver top-quality work in any setting. I build strong connections with my clients thanks to my reliability, communication skills and meticulous preparation.

Top Experience

20 years as a professional interpreter, including working with world leaders, at conferences and on television.

Top Qualifications

I have the Diploma in Public Service Interpreting in Hindi, Urdu and Punjabi, and a Bachelor’s degree in English.

Top Results

My consistently excellent interpreting work has earned me national recognition and high profile clients.

What have been your biggest career highlights as an English-Hindi conference interpreter?

I have interpreted for several world leaders from various countries, including the leaders at the G7 Summit, and high profile companies such as Google, UNICEF and the World Health Organization (WHO).

I have really enjoyed interpreting on television, for Britain’s Got Talent in 2019 and, in a very different experience, for the Indian PM Modi during the COVID-19 Pandemic in 2020.

Award-Winning Work

Awarded a gold medal in recognition of being the best candidate in the country in the Certificate in Bilingual Skills course with the Institute of Linguists.

How did you start out on the path to becoming a professional English-Hindi simultaneous interpreter?

Soon after my Bachelor’s degree, I got married and had children, and didn’t think I would be doing any more studying or career building for the rest of my life.

That all changed when we moved to the UK due to my husband’s job. At first, this was very challenging, as it was a big culture shock and we were away from our wider families.

I was feeling quite timid in this new situation. A friend suggested that I sign up for a course using my languages to focus on, so I signed up for an interpreting course. The course was great and I did really well; I have always been very motivated to achieve something I want to do. I also did some voluntary interpreting before I got paid work.


I decided to pursue an interpreting qualification, which in the UK is the DPSI (Diploma in Public Service Interpreting), a strict and demanding qualification. To prepare for this, I first did a one year course called the Certificate in Bilingual Skills.

Imagine my surprise when, after the final exams, I opened a letter from Prince Michael of Kent, the Patron of the Institute of Linguists (now the Chartered Institute of Linguists), inviting me to receive a gold medal as the best-performing candidate in the country!

I had no idea how capable I was, so this was a real turning point in my life. I realised you can achieve anything if you set your mind to it. It was a huge motivator for further success, and my whole family were extremely proud of me.

The following year, I completed the DPSI and qualified as an interpreter in 2004, enabling me to work for important UK bodies such as the police and Border Force.

Since then I have interpreted on television, for world leaders, and everything in between!

What has enabled you to progress to where you are now as an English to Hindi conference interpreter?

Doing my first bilingual course and doing so well in the exam gave me a big confidence boost to continue down this path.

My family have also been very supportive throughout.

I have taken everything one step at a time and kept working hard, from starting out with studying professional consecutive and simultaneous interpreting to having interpreted for many high-profile people and events.

What are the biggest challenges of being an English-Hindi interpreter for conferences?


Interpreting at high-profile occasions can be quite stressful and nerve-wracking as there is lots of security to go through, and you don’t want to make mistakes.

I try to stay calm and maintain my confidence. Once you get used to the process you know what to expect and can deal with the nerves, perform better and build up your confidence.

Conference interpreting can also be quite tiring because you have to listen, comprehend, translate and speak all at once. This is while providing the translation of what’s just been said and also listening to what’s being said now.

Simultaneous conference interpreting normally takes place from a booth, with headphones and microphones.

Usually, two interpreters work together, so that we can take turns of 15 to 30 minutes, with one person interpreting while the other rests and vice versa.


Amina SaifEnglish-Hindi Conference Interpreter

I take pride in my work knowing that I’m doing a good job of helping my clients to understand each other.

Interpreting for high-profile individuals, in particular, is very rewarding and I feel very honoured to do it.

Are you looking for an English-Hindi conference interpreter?

Please send me a message.


8 responses to “English-Hindi Conference Interpreter”

  1. Zahra Avatar

    Unparalleled professionalism & high ethics
    We worked with Amina on many projects in the Middle East and elsewhere , she was always a source of satisfaction for our clients and us
    Vision Translation Dubai

    1. Amina Saif Avatar
      Amina Saif

      Thank you Zahra. I appreciate it.

  2. Syed Avatar

    I have worked with Amina and I shall say she is a very professional Hindi/Urdu Interpreter. Amina exceeds our interpretation and every time our clients compliment her work and want to get her back. Thank you Amina for always being so professional and we admire your work.

    1. Amina Saif Avatar
      Amina Saif

      Thank you Syed.

  3. Hany William Fahmy Avatar
    Hany William Fahmy

    I first met Amina in person when she was interpreting in Cairo, Egypt, and later on many projects. From the very first moment, I knew from my 30+ years of interpretation and teaching translation and interpretation experience at the American University in Cairo that she was an extraordinary talented, dedicated, learned professional interpreter. Also as owner and director of Multilingua Translations, I knew it would be a long lasting business relationship. As a recruiter, I trust her interpretation in making any event successful. At the personal level, she is a dear friend, always caring for her work, always keen to assist all her colleagues, always a source of satisfaction to clients. I sincerely and strongly recommend her to any future clients.

    1. Amina Saif Avatar
      Amina Saif

      Hany I am grateful for your comments.

  4. Misha Avatar

    I must say Amina Saif is the epitome of professionalism. She has a great depth of experience interpreting globally and nationally in the UK, often working with high profile and political individuals.

    1. Amina Saif Avatar
      Amina Saif

      Misha I appreciate your comments.

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Interpreting for the European Commission in Brussels
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